Not a major fitness fanatic but I love my fresh juices. The humble celery has never been my favourite but ever since I started having it in form of green juice it’s been so great.
I have had this juice for the past 2 weeks and already feel a lot nicer, my skin feels much nicer and I feel great. Celery juice is thought to improve the function of the digestive tract and celery is high in calcium, silicon, and Vitamin K which I don’t really consume a lot. So I’ve decided to jump on the Miracle Juice wagon and see what results I get.

This juice is best consumed in the morning and should be had as fresh as possible. I usually put my cut ingredients in a airtight container in the fridge the night before so that I am not chopping stuff in the morning and then I just run it though the juicer in the morning.

Ingredients :
Celery – 5-6 sticks washed
Orange – 1 orange sliced.
Kale – 12 -15 leaves washed
Cucumber – 10 – 12 slices
Lemon – a Pinch
Optional :
Ginger – small piece (I always use ginger for a bit more added taste)
Spinach – 12- 15 leaves (if you don’t have Kale )
Apple – 1 apple sliced (in stead of Orange)
The above should make 1 glass of Juice.

If you try this juice let me know how you get on , I hate celery in general because of its texture but as a juice I absolutely love it. Here is me enjoying my juice this morning.

What’s your favourite juice recipe? I would love to try them. In other news, I have a fashion post dropping on the blog next week so watch this space. Have a brilliant weekend I will see you next week here.
Great content! Stay healthy and Happy New Year.